Mark Antony Full movie review 2023

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Mark Antony Movie Review 2023

The film is an enjoyable sci-fi drama with plenty of visual humor and references from the 70s that take audiences back in time.

The story revolves around two gangsters Antony and Jackie as well as their rival Ekambaram. It’s an entertaining flick and Vishal and SJ Suryah give outstanding performances; music by GV Prakash as well as comedy bits are notable features.



“Mark Antony” is an enjoyable gangster flick thanks to SJ Suryah and GV Prakash’s performances and music respectively. Vishal gives it his all and the combination scenes with SJ Suryah are memorable; Ritu Varma as Mark’s girlfriend Ritu Varma does well as well; however the film does suffer from several flaws; its plot seems unnecessarily convoluted and its time travel phone rules and functions shift according to screenplay requirements.

Director Adhik Ravichandran is known for producing films with insensitive themes, and this flick does not disappoint. A heartless womaniser from the 70s named Jackie should hate queers but the filmmaker goes overboard with homophobic dialogue in this flick. Additionally, there is an item song with transwomen performing and antagonising effeminate gay character Y Gee Mahendran are two problematic moments present here as well as exceptional cinematography and action sequences that add an interesting layer to this flick.



Adhik Ravichandran, known for TIN and AAA, brings back Vishal after long serving Mark Antony in this quirky gangster drama with plenty of laughs. Both Vishal and SJ Suryah give superb performances; Suryah especially stands out as both Jackie Pandian (Vishal) and his son Madhan Pandian (SJ Suryah). One memorable scene features their inter-temporal phone conversation about what has gone wrong between father and son!

Film starts out promisingly but quickly becomes predictable after half way. Furthermore, its basic premise of speaking to people from the past in order to alter history has been explored several times before, while action sequences were too over-the-top. Furthermore, director has fallen victim to toxic trope of antagonising queer characters; nonetheless he deserves credit for creating an immersive world in this movie; also SJ Suryah saved it with his outrageous antics and performance that kept it entertaining throughout.



Mark Antony is easily identifiable as a film designed to entertain audiences – it is loud, silly, and unintentionally humorous. A classic example of an attempt to blend sci-fi elements while failing to hit its eccentric notes.

Beginning the story is Scientist Chiranjeevi (Selvaraghavan), who attempts to construct a time machine from his lab. Instead, however, what he comes up with instead is an indecipherable phone that allows him to call people in the past and alter their histories.

The film offers several enjoyable moments before quickly falling apart. While its premise is engaging, its script doesn’t know how to build upon it, leading to flat characters and overblown action sequences. One bright spot is S J Suryah who completely owns every scene he appears in; his portrayal as both Jackie Pandian and Mark is magnificent.